Things you must know if you don't have a gallbladder

Great information from LiverDoctor!

Removal of the gallbladder is one of the most common surgeries performed in the USA and Australia today.  Gallstones are incredibly common and they occur in 10 to 15 percent of the population.  The problem does tend to run in families. Women are more likely to experience gallbladder problems than men and this is partly due to the effects of the female hormone estrogen.

A gallbladder performs several important roles in your body:

  • Enables fat digestion

  • Enables absorption of fat soluble antioxidants and vitamins A, E, D and K

  • Assists the removal of cholesterol from your body

  • Assists the removal of toxins that have been broken down by the liver

Obviously you can survive without a gallbladder, but you are more prone to developing certain health problems.  In particular you are at greater risk of developing a fatty liver, experiencing indigestion and developing deficiencies of essential fatty acids and fat soluble nutrients

What happens when you don’t have a gallbladder?

Your liver continues to manufacture bile, but there is no longer a place to store it or concentrate it.  Therefore bile continually slowly trickles into the intestines.  If you eat a fatty meal, you will not be able to secrete a large enough amount of bile into your intestines, therefore the fat will be poorly digested.  This means many people experience diarrhea, bloating, nausea or indigestion.

Not digesting fat well means you will not be able to digest essential fatty acids, including omega 3 and omega 6 fats.  It also means you’ll have a hard time absorbing fat soluble vitamins such as vitamins D, E, A and K.  A lot of the antioxidants in vegetables are fat soluble: lycopene, lutein and carotenoids are all fat soluble.  If you don’t produce adequate bile, you will not be adequately absorbing these life saving compounds from foods.  If you take any of the above mentioned nutrients in supplement form, without sufficient bile you will sadly not absorb them well.

Some common symptoms of poor fat digestion are dry, brittle hair; dry skin and premature aging of the skin; weak nails and painful joints. Essential fatty acids are important for optimal brain health, therefore low mood, anxiety, depression and impaired cognitive function are all possible manifestations of poor fat digestion.

How to have a healthy liver and good digestion without a gallbladder

First of all it’s important to realise that you developed a gallbladder problem in the first place because you had an unhealthy liver and a problem with your digestive system.  If your liver is not healthy, it will make poor quality bile.  The bile will be prone to forming sludge and stones.  Just removing the gallbladder doesn’t solve that problem, and in fact sludge and stones can form within the liver, compromising its function.

Here are some vital tips to follow:

  • Keep your intake of dairy products and grains to a minimum or avoid them altogether. Dairy products (milk, cheese, ice-cream, yoghurt) worsen all cases of gallbladder disease, liver disease and they are very difficult to digest. Food intolerance is a common cause of gallbladder problems, and there is research that links gluten intolerance with gallstones. A good reason to keep your intake of grains low is to reduce the risk of developing a fatty liver. There is a great deal of helpful information in our book Save your Gallbladder, and what to do if you’ve already lost it.

  • Take a good quality liver tonic such as Livatone. The herbs St Mary’s thistle, dandelion root and globe artichoke leaves all increase bile production and bile flow. Taurine is an amino acid necessary for bile production. This should help to make you feel more comfortable after a meal, and should reduce the risk of stones forming inside your liver.

  • Take an ox bile supplement. This is the most important recommendation for people who have lost their gallbladder. A lack of bile can produce symptoms such as bloating and indigestion after meals, light colored stools, diarrhea, fatigue after meals and nutrient deficiencies. Taking a good quality ox bile supplement with each meal is wonderful for completely eliminating these symptoms in most individuals.

  • Take a Digestive Enzymes supplement. The majority of people who developed a gallbladder problem have suffered with poor digestion for many years. If your stomach and intestines are not in optimal health, they will not send signals to your gallbladder, telling it to contract properly. Irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and Candida overgrowth are common in people with a gallbladder problem. If you have had your gallbladder removed, you may continue to suffer symptoms due to those conditions. These digestive problems also cause insufficient digestive enzyme production. Taking digestive enzymes in supplement form helps to restore good digestive health and reduces symptoms of indigestion.

  • Eat some good fats and avoid the bad fats. Your doctor may have recommended you follow a low fat diet after having your gallbladder removed. This is not necessary and in fact it is harmful. Your body desperately needs good fats and I recommend you include moderate quantities of extra virgin olive oil, avocados, coconut milk and oil, nuts and seeds in your diet.

  • You may need a vitamin D3 supplement. People with compromised liver or digestive function are often vitamin D deficient. Exposure of your skin to the sun’s UVB rays enables your body to manufacture vitamin D. However, this process occurs in your liver and kidneys. People with a sluggish liver often do not manufacture vitamin D adequately. Therefore it’s a good idea to get a blood test and take a supplement. 5000 IU of vitamin D3 is a safe and effective dose for most people, but it’s best to be guided by your own doctor.

  • Include some bitter and sour foods in your diet. They should help to improve your digestion and make it easier to tolerate good fats in your diet. Suitable bitter and sour foods include lemons, limes, radicchio lettuce, chicory, endive and dandelion leaves. These leaves are fairly easy to grow at home if you are lucky enough to have your own veggie patch.


The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.


15 Foods That Naturally Clear Your Arteries

According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Roughly 25% of the deaths each year in the U.S. is contributed to heart disease, with more than half of those deaths being men. What makes these statistics even worse is that heart disease is not only completely preventable, but can be reversible as well.

The American Heart Association states that over 42 million men and women live with some form of cardiovascular disease. While more men in the United States suffer from heart disease, more women die from it on a yearly basis. Some of the risk factors for heart disease and eventually a heart attack are high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, and high cholesterol. Men and women who smoke tend to be at a higher risk as well, along with people who are morbidly obese and maintain bad eating habits.

Thankfully, what you eat can have a direct impact on your heart health, as well as your arteries. You just have to make sure you are eating the right foods and taking the necessary precautions. Studies have shown that a heart healthy diet can not only prevent future heart disease, but can reverse it as well over time.

We did some research and found fifteen heart-healthy foods that can assist with improving your health and lowering your risk for heart disease in the future.

  1. If you’re looking for a pharmacy’s worth of remedies within one fruit, the orange is the perfect place to start. Thanks to its high levels of pectin, this type of soluble fiber works like a “sponge” to suck up cholesterol in foods and block its absorption. The potassium in oranges also help counterbalance sodium intake and assist with keeping your blood pressure in check. Recently, new studies have found that oranges have the ability to neutralize proteins that lead to heart scar tissue and congestive heart failure.

  2. Remember when your mom told you to eat your leafy greens? Well, she told you so for a good reason. Research has found that kale is one of the perfect foods to prevent heart disease and keep your cardiovascular system healthy. Thanks to a heaping amount of heart-boosting antioxidants, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, kale is the perfect food and should be a permanent food item in your household.

  3. Garlic is an excellent food to help reduce plaque in your arteries and help reduce your blood pressure. According to research, garlic helps reduce an enzyme known as angiotensin, which constricts blood vessels. Tests have also found that people who suffer from plaque build up in their arteries saw the build up reduced by up to 50% when they took garlic extract in pill form daily.

  4. Did you know that red wine helps boost your HDL levels, which is your good cholesterol? It also reduces clotting by keeping your blood vessels flexible. Some studies have found that a glass of red wine is more effective than aspirin and can help reduce your chance of a heart attack. Bottoms up

  5. A study from Harvard University on the Kuna Indians off the coast of Panama discovered that the indigenous people had very low blood pressure and no signs of hypertension. At first, it was believed that the people had a rare genetic trait, but it was soon discovered that they drank large amounts of raw cocoa. Thanks to rich compounds known as flavanols, dark chocolate (which is known to have higher levels of cocoa) can help increase blood vessel flexibility, lower blood pressure, and prevent heart disease.!

  6. While many of you might stick your nose up at sardines, they actually can help with heart health. According to studies, the omega-3 fatty acids in sardines can help lower triglyceride levels in the body, raise good cholesterol, and reduce inflammation in the body. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found a reduction in heart disease among women who consumed cold-water fish.

  7. International studies found that people who eat a diet high in legumes (specifically, lentils) have a reduced risk of heart disease. This is due to the fact that lentils help with reducing high blood pressure, which is one of the early warning signs of heart disease. Lentils are also high in protein, magnesium, and potassium, which can help reduce the risk for plaque in the blood vessels.

  8. Almonds are actually a very healthy (and tasty) way to reduce your bad cholesterol levels and prevent absorption of LDL thanks to a high amount of plant sterols. According to studies at the University of Toronto, people who eat a diet that consists of almonds can lower their risk for heart disease by up to 28%.

  9. Pomegranates have a unique blend of antioxidants that help prevent the oxidation of plaque in the walls of the arteries. In fact, a study showed that atherosclerosis patients were actually able to reduce the plaque that had begun to accumulate within their arterial walls by drinking 8 oz. of pomegranate juice daily.

  10. Blueberries are considered a “superfood” for a reason. Not only do these delicious morsels help fight aging with a rich dose of antioxidants, but they can also reduce the buildup of cholesterol within the walls of your arteries. Blueberries have also been found to eliminate free radicals that can cause cancer, as well as heart disease.

  11. Research has found that beets are an excellent source of folate and betaine, both which are known to reduce the risk of heart disease and help lower levels of homocysteine in the body. Homocysteine is known to increase the risk of heart disease by causing inflammation that can damage the heart muscle.

  12. Turmeric has been gaining traction in the nutrition and fitness industries due to its many health benefits, especially when it comes to heart health. An active compound known as curcumin can be found in high levels inside turmeric and can help block biochemical reactions that are involved in cardiac hypertrophy (enlargement of the heart). It can also reduce any inflammation in the blood vessels contributing to high blood pressure.

  13. Thanks to being an oily fish that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, research has discovered that salmon can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering the levels of triglycerides in the body. Salmon has also been found to prevent blood clots and expand constricted blood vessels.

  14. Chia seeds may be tiny but they certainly are mighty when it comes to nutrition and being beneficial to your heart health. Thanks to their high levels of antioxidants and omega-3s, chia seeds provide a natural method to lower your cholesterol and improve heart function. Some people like adding them to smoothies—others make a chia “pudding” to enjoy with fruit for breakfast. Regardless of how you enjoy them, the lasting benefits are where it’s at.

  15. They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away and that statement couldn’t be truer. Research has found that apples are filled with nutritious antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can assist with lowering blood pressure and preventing heart disease. Better yet, there are so many varieties of apples, each with their own nutritional properties, that you won’t get bored when it comes to flavor and reaping the health rewards!



When Americans faces a tough problem, we solve it the American way: We put our heads together and come up with a solution.

Start a new nation and establish freedom for all? We got Jefferson, Adams and Franklin in a room and they banged out the most revolutionary document ever created.

Stop the Nazis and end the war in the Pacific? We corralled the greatest scientific minds in the country and created the Manhattan Project. Game over.

So when it comes to taking aim at our obesity crisis (or just helping you fit into that dress), we here., at Eat This, Not That! figured we’d take a page out of history, and gather the most educated nutritional thinkers in the land to tell us their absolute best tips for losing weight and getting a perfectly lean, flat belly. So ask not what abs can do for you; ask what you can do for abs. The answers are right here.





 4-6 chicken breasts

2Tb Sea salt

2Tb extra virgin olive oil 

4-6 garlic cloves, minced

2-3 Tsp Truvia (stevia blend)

Put chicken breasts in large bowl.   Mix 2Tb sea salt with a few cups of water.  Pour over chicken, cover 

and refrigerate 12-24 hours.   Preheat oven to 450F.  Rinse breasts and pat dry with paper towels.  Spray  some olive oil in a baking dish then place chicken in it.  Mince 4-6 cloves of garlic and sauté in olive oil ‘til tender.  Stir in the sweetener.   Baste on top of breasts.  Bake 15-30 minutes depending on cup size .  Juices should run clear when poked.